Lucky Break - Conservation Edition

Sonningdale, Saskatchewan

The abandoned 1970’s Ford Pinto was in the forest adjacent to our All in the Wild trust land in the Sonningdale area. A rusting piece of metal scrap, it would have been a useless blemish on our natural world, except for the resourcefulness of a mama racoon who turned it into a safe place for her babies – a “repurposed ride.”  The only access into the car is through the small smashed hole in the windshield, thus preventing coyotes (a racoon’s main predator) from getting at her young. While the photograph celebrates the ingenuity of a wildlife species to adapt to human intrusion, it should also serve as a stark reminder that not all species are as resourceful and need us humans to respect and preserve natural habitat.

To view the regular edition prints of this image, click here.

Conservation Edition 18x27 to 300

*Jason received the international recognition of “Highly Commended” in the Urban Nature category for this image at the 2019 Wildlife Photographer of the Year Contest. Lucky Break was selected as one of the top 50 images from 48,000 entries worldwide. Click here to learn more.

View the behind the scenes timelapse video below:


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Please Note: Sizes listed refer to the photo size, categorized to the closest standard dimensions in inches for pricing and edition purposes. Exact physical dimensions may vary to honour the artist's vision for each title. Need a specific measurement? Please contact our friendly team. Images shown are for example purposes only; actual product may vary.

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