The Apple Bandits
Tweedsmuir, Saskatchewan
I have been fortunate to have two separate chances to raise orphaned raccoons. My first experience was with a single raccoon named Squirt. The following year, I raised these three individuals. Two were female, Sloppy and Spuz Echo, and the third was a male named Mangler. On a beautiful fall day, I took the three of them for a walk over to my neighbour's home. The crab apple tree in the yard enticed the raccoons and they quickly climbed it. The colours were so fantastic that I ran home and returned with my camera. I was able to capture a few shots of the three of them as they played, although getting them to all look at the camera at the same instant proved to be a challenge. The next challenge came when it was time to get the little rascals to come down again; it took over an hour to convince them!